The Red Dress Project


The Red Dress is a 13-year, award winning global, collaborative embroidery project 2009 to 2022. Conceived by British artist Kirstie Macleod it provides an artistic platform for women around the world, many of whom are marginalised and live in poverty, to tell their personal stories through embroidery.

Kirstie was inspired by her multicultural upbringing and a frustration at the many borders, boundaries and inequalities present around the world, and sought to initiate a piece of work that would draw together voices from around the globe to create a dialogue of connection, expression and unity.

All commissioned artisans were paid for their work, the rest of the embroidery was added at various events and exhibitions by willing audience members. As well as benefitting from their commission fee the artisans from the marginalised communities have also embraced the opportunity to have their voices amplified and heard. The project offers continued support by inviting all artisans to sell their embroidery work through the Red Dress Etsy shop (available through the website) and in receiving 50% of all ongoing museum / gallery exhibition fees for the Red Dress as it journeys around the world.

Kirstie says, “The support of Good Works for the Red Dress has been absolutely incredible! Through their generous donation the campaign reached its target and the project can now go ahead. RED DRESS 21-22 will see the garment being exhibited at various events and exhibitions for the rest of the year, with an emphasis on connecting with vulnerable groups around the UK. It will also support the release of the long awaited Red Dress Catalogue. 

Hugest of thanks to Good Works for facilitating the donation.

To learn more about The Red Dress project, visit: